Dead by Daylight Skillcheck Simulator

Dead by Daylight Skillcheck Simulator - Train your skills. Killer perks, items and add-ons that can affect the Skillcheck in any way can be tested and learned here.


The Killer Perks can be activated/deactivated using CUSTOM mode from the GAME MODE menu. Selecting CUSTOM mode, will activate the selected perks at the maximum tier or at the maximum number of tokens(Hex: Huntress Lullaby). There are 3 preset mode EASY MEDIUM HARD

Killer perks:


The Toolbox is an item that can be used to repair generators more quickly. Different Toolboxes have different uses and not all of them are good for both uses. Add-ons can be equipped to enhance their speed and durability. Toolboxes and add-ons can be bought with bloodpoints. You can gain bloodpoins fast by hitting great skillchecks multiple times. You can gain free Bloodpoints by finding the secret :)

Local Installation

DBD Skillcheck Simulator requires Node.js v12+ to run Install the dependencies and start the server.

$ cd dbd-skillcheck-simulator
            $ npm install
            $ npm run serve

Go to localhost:8080 to play.






Want to contribute? Great! This project uses Javascript and VueJS, feel free to improve the project if you found bugs or have other ideeas.
